imedtac took part in the anti covid-19 AIoT solutions press conference - imedtac Co., Ltd.

imedtac took part in the anti covid-19 AIoT solutions press conference

on April 30, imedtac had a grand press conference to launch the AIoT solutions help to against COVID-19 with our partner New Kinpo. At the media conference, we lived demo our Disinfection gateway, Telemedicine cart with gesture recognition System & All in one vital signs station and have very good responses from the visitors.

The conference had more than 30 Taiwan medias and 200 visitors. Let’s have a quick view to see those interesting demos.


1.Disinfection gateway


interviewed by USTV

The entrance of demo area was the “Disinfection gateway” which is cooperated by imedtac and CCH (Changhua Christian Hospital).  The system can read ID card or facial recognition to identify visitor’s data from HIS system.  Meanwhile, the no contact infrared thermal meter will measure body temperature at the same time.

After the ID identify, the air shower will start to blow out the particle from the top.  Then, the system will initiate to spray liquid to disinfect at hand and shoes area.  All the procedure operated all in one station to make sure all the visitors can be disinfect 100%.


↓ Please reference the video to experience “Disinfection gateway” operated within 15 secs.


2.Vital signs station

After entering the gate, you could see the all in one vital signs station.  Imedtac integrated all the blood pressure, forehead body temperature, height, weight vitals together as a single station.  With the operation interface, user only need to follow the instruction step by step to finish all the measure.  Besides, all the data is upload to cloud at the same time.  Caregivers can review those datas from dashboard at nursing station or portable devices.  Those big data can be used for further analysis to monitor health status.



The VIP Mexico consul Martin Torres (left) and Thailand consul Thongchai Chasawath (right) experienced the vital sign station service.


3.Telemedical cart


interviewed by NTDAPTV


At last, it was the telemedicine cart system.  It’s designed for quarantine ward to help doctor control patient status without entering ward.  The right-hand side monitor is video conference system for doctor to visual monitor patient status.  The left-hand side monitor connects medical equipment and vital data to show all in single monitor.  Moreover, we build the gesture recognition system for doctor can no contact to control switch from PACS and other system to avoid touch infection.

The system also supports connect HIS/PACS and is able to be deployed at ICU, quarantine ward and operation room.  With high mobility and flexibility, it the very useful solution in various environment.


↓   Telemedicine Cart Introduce video


All the solutions mentioned have EDM and can be downloaded from links below.

1.Disinfection gateway

2.Vital signs station

3.Telemedical cart


Please reference for all the media interview .

金寶搶攻防疫商機 3D列印做防護罩.口罩

EMS推呼吸器系列商品 開防疫商店搶商機

台電子廠3D印「口罩、呼吸器」 5月菲、泰量產

營運注入新活水 金寶搶攻防疫商機

台灣組呼吸器國家隊 力拚內需援外

《其他電子》金寶抗疫醫療含金量高 泰國興建工業區6月招商



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