iMEP-07C1 - imedtac Co., Ltd.

7.3” Door Sign Patient Card

The iMEP-07C1 door sign patient card displays bed number, caregivers’ information, and bed status. Patients and their family members are able to utilize medical devices and HIS systems to update patient status to the card, such as IV change or notes on allergens. With these digital devices, care efficiency and patient satisfaction are both improved.

The Advantages of iMEP-07C1

Automatic updates

Seamlessly integrate patient information from the hospital information system and automatically display on the iMWard Bedside Patient Card.

Patient safety alerts

Provide real-time medical care reminders to improve care quality and interactions between caregivers and patients.

Sustainable healthcare facility

Through ePaper technology, enabling an eco-conscious hospital via paperless processes and minimal energy use, patient cards without light emission guarantee uninterrupted sleep for patients.

Deliver the best care

Keep crucial information in clear view 24/7, which help medical staff improve patient safety and reduce workload.

Product Features

Enhance communication between caregivers and patients

√ Improve efficiency on care delivery
√ Improve patient satisfaction

Reduce workload

√ Integrate information to optimize care quality
√ Immediate response to care needs


  • Could the card display images during a power outage?

    Yes. It will stay at the last displayed image during the power outage.

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